Personality & Psychopathology Lab

Dr. Sweatt will be reviewing prospective graduate student applications for Fall 2024.
Graduate students
Dr. Sweatt accepts clinical psychology graduate students interested in personality pathology. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in research early in their graduate career, including authorship on chapter and journal publications and presentation of research at regional and national meetings. Individuals interested in graduate study in the Personality & Psychopathology Lab at Oklahoma State should email Dr. Sweatt directly.
Please see the Psychology Graduate Student Brochure and the OSU Department of Psychology Graduate Program Website for more detailed information about the program and application process.
Undergraduate students
Dr. Sweatt looks for students interested in research focusing on personality pathology. Students should be interested in the eventual pursuit of graduate training in clinical or personality psychology. Primary responsibilities may include recruiting and running participants, conducting literature searches, data entry, and database development and management. Particularly motivated students may be included in future poster presentations at regional psychology conferences. Students must be available to attend a 1-hour weekly research meeting and work approximately 8 hours per week. Computer and library skills are required. Preference will be given to students who meet all of the above requirements, and those who are willing to commit to the lab for one year.
Research Assistant (PSYC 4990) positions are competitive and availability is limited. Please see the undergraduate research opportunities website for further information.