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Recent & upcoming research projects


  • Components of Regulating Emotions

  • Development of personalized mobile interventions for problematic behaviors

  • Role of emotion dysregulation in binge eating

  • Impact of mood induction on personality fluctuation




These measures are free to use. If you'd like, you may email us at if you have used or plan to use any of the measures in a research study.


Five Factor Model Rating Form


Five Factor Form


Five Factor Borderline Inventory


FFBI Short Form


Five Factor Schizoid Inventory


Selected Publications


Assessment of personality and personality pathology

Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Bornovalova, M. A., Carragher, N., Clark, L.A., Corona Espinosa, A., Jonas, K., Keyes, K. M., Lynam, D. R., Michelini, G.,

Miller, J. D., Min, J.*, Rodriguez-Seijas, C., Samuel, D. B., Tackett, J. L., & Watts, A. (2022) HiTOP assessment of Externalizing Antagonism and Disinhibition. Assessment, 29, 34-45.

Min, J.*, Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & Widiger, T. A. (2021). The Development of the Informant Five-Factor Borderline Inventory.

Assessment. 28, 1334-1344.


Helle, A. C.*, DeShong, H. L.*, Baraldi, A. N., & Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. (2018). The five factor borderline inventory: Behavioral outcomes across               time. Psychological Assessment, 30, 43-61.


DeShong, H.L.*, Helle, A.C.*, & Mullins-Sweatt, S.N. (2016). Unmasking Cleckley’s psychopathy: Assessing historical case studies.

Personality and Mental Health, 10, 142-151.


DeShong, H. L.*, Mullins-Sweatt, S.N., Muller, J. D., Widiger, T. A., & Lynam, D. R. (2016). Development of a short form of the five factor

borderline inventory. Assessment, 23, 342-352.


DeShong, H. L.*, Lengel, G. J.*, Sauer-Zavala, S. E., O’Meara, M.† & Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. (2015). Construct validity of the Five-

Factor Borderline Inventory. Assessment, 22, 319-331.


Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Edmundson, M. E., Sauer-Zavala, S. E., Lynam, D. R., Miller, J. D., & Widiger, T. A. (2012). Five-factor measure of 

borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Assessment, 94, 475-487.


Clinical utility and applications of personality traits 

Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Hopwood, C. J., Chmielewski, M., Meyer, N. A.*, Min, J.*, Helle, A. C., & Walgren, M. D. (2020). Treatment of personality

pathology through the lens of the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology: Developing a research agenda. Personality and Mental Health, 14, 123-141


Lengel, G. J.* & Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. (2017). The importance and acceptability of general and maladaptive personality trait computerized

            assessment feedback. Psychological Assessment, 29, 1-12.


Lengel, G. J.*, Helle, A. C.*, DeShong, H. L.*, Meyer, N. A.*, (2016). Translational applications of general personality for the

conceptualization and treatment of psychopathology. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 23, 288-308.


Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Lengel, G. J.*, & DeShong, H.L.* (2016). The importance of considering clinical utility in the construction of a

diagnostic manual. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 12, 133-155.


Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. & Lengel, G. J.* (2012). Clinical utility of the five-factor model of personality disorder. Journal of Personality, 80, 1615-



Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Bernstein, D. P., & Widiger, T. A. (2012). Retention or deletion of personality disorder diagnoses for DSM-5: An expert

consensus approach. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26, 689-703.


Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. & Widiger, T. A. (2011). Clinicians’ judgments of the utility of the DSM-IV and Five-Factor models for personality

disordered patients. Journal of Personality Disorders, 25, 463-477.


Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. & Widiger, T. A. (2010). Personality-related problems in living: An empirical approach. Personality Disorders: Theory, 

Research, and Treatment, 1, 230-238.


Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Smit, V., Verheul, R. Oldham, J., & Widiger, T. A. (2009). Dimensions of personality: Clinicians’ perspectives. Canadian

Journal of Psychiatry, 54, 247-259.


Maladaptive problems related to personality pathology 

Lengel, G. J.*, DeShong, H.L.*, & Mullins-Sweatt, S.N. (2016). Impulsivity and nonsuicidal self-injury: Examining the role of affect

manipulation. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 38, 101-112.


DeShong, H.L*, Tucker, R. P., O'Keefe, V. M., Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & Wingate, L. R. (2015). Five factor model traits as a predictor of suicidal

ideation and interpersonal suicide risk in a college sample. Psychiatry Research, 226, 217-223.


Tucker, R. P., O’Keefe, V. M., Cole, A. B., Rhoades-Kerswill, S., Hollingsworth, D. W., Helle, A.*, DeShong, H. L.*, Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & 

Wingate, L. R. (2014). Mindfulness tempers the impact of personality on suicidal ideation. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 229-233.


Lengel, G. J.* & Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. (2013). Nonsuicidal self-injury disorder: Clinician and Expert Ratings. Psychiatry Research, 210, 940-



Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Lengel, G. J.*, & Grant, D. M. (2013). Nonsuicidal self-injury: The contribution of general personality functioning.

Personality and Mental Health, 7, 56-68.


Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Glover, N. G., Derefinko, K. J., Miller, J.D., & Widiger, T. A. (2010). The search for the successful psychopath. Journal of

Research in Personality, 44, 554-558.


Collaborations with other labs

Fields, K., Ciciolla, L., Addante, S., Erato, S., Quigley, A., Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & Shreffler, K. M. (in press). Maternal adverse childhood

experiences and perceived stress during pregnancy: The role of personality. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.


Min, J.*, Lopez, S. V., Dunn, D. S., Leffingwell, T. R., & Mullins-Sweatt, S. N. (2021) Understanding perceptions of nonsuicidal self-injury:

Descriptive and injunctive norms. Psychiatric Quarterly. 1-15.


Sawhney, M., Hawkins, M. A. W., Stout, M. E., Keirns, N. G., Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & Finn, J. A. (2020). The facets of conscientiousness and

Body Mass Index: Potential mediation by eating factors. Personality and Individual Differences, 166, 110157.


Tucker, R. P., Lengel, G. J.*, Smith, C. E., Capron, D. W., Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & Wingate, L. R. (2016). Maladaptive five factor model

personality traits associated with borderline personality disorder indirectly affect susceptibility to suicide ideation through increased anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns. Psychiatry Research, 246, 432-437.


DeShong, H. L.*, Tucker, R. P., O'Keefe, V. M., Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & Wingate, L. R. (2015). Five factor model traits as a predictor of suicidal

ideation and interpersonal suicide risk in a college sample. Psychiatry Research, 226, 217-223.


Tucker, R. P., O'Keefe, V. M., Cole, A. B., Rhoades-Kerswill, S., Hollingsworth, D. W., Helle, A. C.*, DeShong, H. L.*, Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., &

Wingate, L. R. (2014). Mindfulness tempers the impact of personality on suicidal ideation. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 229-233.


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