Congratulations Greg!!!
We are excited to announce that Gregory Lengel has accepted a tenure track faculty position at Drake University!!! #greg #employment...
Congratulations Greg!
Greg recently defended his Dissertation project, "Personality assessment feedback using DSM and FFM personality traits: Clinical utility...
Congrats, Greg!
Greg has matched for internship with the Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health system! #greg #graduate #Internship

Congrats, Greg!
Greg was selected as a Graduate Research Excellence Award recipient for Spring 2014. This award recognizes graduate students for...
SPA presentations
Greg Lengel, Hilary DeShong, and Ashley Helle presented research findings at the Society for Personality Assessment in Arlington,...
OSU Research Week Presentations
Greg Lengel, Hilary DeShong, and Ashley Helle presented research findings. #graduate #presentation #greg #hilary #ashley
ABCT presentations
Greg Lengel, Hilary DeShong, and Ashley Helle presented recent research findings at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral...
Congrats, Greg!
Greg Lengel was awarded the Psi Chi Travel Grant! #graduate #research #award #greg
Congrats, Greg!
Greg Lengel passed his comprehensive examination! #graduate #greg
Remember the Ten Scholarships
Congratulations to Greg Lengel, Hilary DeShong, and Ashley Helle who received Remember the Ten Scholarships! The purpose of this award is...